
B2C portal increase sales though enhanced customer experience

A fully responsive website build on the DynamicWeb Search engine with multiple call to action options, a lot of interaction possibilities and contact options with the customer service of Warmgarant.

Warmgarant is a supplier of boilers. The only sell boilers of the brand Intergas. They work together with a large number of professional installers throughout The Netherlands. Their goal is to offer a warm house for everyone with great transparency without fuss for the best price and service you can get.

The Challenge

The main challenge is to get more leads and revenue. Warmgarant wants to profile themselves as the number one consultant and specialist of the brand Intergas. Customer contact, accessibility and regional coverage are essential. They focus on full-service with great attention for regional installers. The site also serves as a platform for sharing customer experiences.

The Solution

A fully responsive website build on DynamicWeb search engine with multiple call to action options, a lot of interaction possibilities and contact options with the customer service of Warmgarant.

The site has a product page which shows all the available boilers with a comparison module where the customer can compare up to 3 different boilers. With the boiler finder the customer can enter all the information needed to get a personalised boiler advice. After ordering a boiler the customer has the option for uploading photos from his home situation, so the installer has a good insight where the current boiler is placed and where the new one should be installed.

Unique in the searching option for the best suitable boiler is that all known information, bases on home the address, is taken into account. This means that energy labels, home type, size of the house etc. is all pre-filled and is included in the offer of the personalized top 3 offer.

When ordering a boiler the customer can choose between buying or renting the boiler. All prices for the boiler including discounts and services can be configured in the backend by Warmgarant.

Thanks to our new website, we are really making big steps forwards. Especially the new search and choice selection option, with its technological complexity at the backend and simplicity towards the customer presented on the frontend, is a breakthrough in online customer advising.

Sjors Stoffelsen, Director/Owner of Warmgarant
The Result

The development of a dialogue-oriented website requires easy and user-friendly call-to-actions that increase the chances of converting visitors into leads, and it clearly shows of on the new website, which enhances the focus on the user experience – across different platforms. In other words, the new website is fully capable of inspiring and converting its visitors by prioritizing usability and user experience.


CMS, Marketing


The Netherlands


Innovadis B.V.