Why B2B eCommerce is another discipline than B2C eCommerce

Download this webinar and learn why B2B eCommerce is another discipline than B2C eCommerce and gain knowledge about the two simple formulas that can revolutionize your digital B2B strategy.

Are you ready to take your B2B eCommerce strategy to new heights? Download this webinar and discover why B2B eCommerce is a distinct discipline from B2C eCommerce.

During this webinar, you'll gain access to two simple formulas that can revolutionize your digital B2B strategy. B2B commerce is more than just launching an eCommerce shop—it involves establishing fruitful relationships with dealers, suppliers, distributors, and marketplaces. Did you know that over 70% of B2B customers prefer digital ordering tools? And an impressive 90% are willing to switch providers for a better experience. Join the webinar and gain knowledge on how to exceed your B2B customers' expectations. 

Download this webinar and get valuable insights from real-world examples of B2B eCommerce functions in the DynamicWeb Commerce Suite. Additionally, you'll also learn how implementing a customer portal can significantly enhance the value and competitiveness of your B2B business.