The state of product information management

Learn how the PIM market is evolving and get the key consideration for choosing the right PIM solution to support your business

Customer expectations are the highest ever in their search for online products. Their buying process needs to be smooth and product information must be readily available. As a result, the importance of high quality product information becomes paramount for retailers, manufacturers and distributors alike.

“To win, serve, and retain customers, sellers must provide content that’s unique to a buyer’s locale, need, occasion, persona, and channel at every step of the customer journey” 

Get the whitepaper

This whitepaper gives you an overview of why PIM solutions are implemented in more and more organizations, which capabilities a PIM solution needs to cover, where the market is heading and who the PIM vendors in the market are and how they affect your purchase of PIM.

  • 6 essential capabilities of a PIM solution
  • Why you need a PIM solution
  • Navigate the PIM market
  • Choose between 100+ PIM solutions

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